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Test User Ability
In conjunction with Real Training, we offer uniquely flexible routes to achieving the Test User Ability (formerly Level A) certification:
- Blended Learning
- Distance Learning
- Intensive Courses
Giving you the knowledge and practical skills necessary to conduct psychometric tests fairly and effectively, this qualification is the ‘industry standard’ for competence in using psychometric tests of ability and aptitude in organisations and related settings.
Accredited and verified by the British Psychological Society, Test User Ability is internationally recognised and gives you access to more than 150 tests from over 15 UK publishers, including paper-based and online materials. Test User Ability is an open access course which means that no pre-qualifications are necessary. It is open to all. It will develop your competence, provide career opportunities and enhance your confidence in all aspects of assessment.
The course is relevant to anyone involved in any of the following areas:
- Recruitment and selection
- Individual, team and organisational development
- Careers guidance
- Coaching
- Talent management
- Outplacement
Test User Ability is run as a public course or can be run in-house for organisations looking to train a number of people at one time.
To find our more about the Test User Ability course or to book your place, please visit the Real Training website by clicking here.